The Other Nostradamus

Author: Dr. Mandar V. Bichu

Since time immemorial, mankind has strived hard to know more about its future and that’s why seers, clairvoyants and psychics claiming to peep into the future have always garnered considerable public interest.

‘The Other Nostradamus’ starts off with a brief introduction about the prominent psychics over the centuries- the Mayans, the Hopi Indians, the famous French Nostradamus and a not-so-famous British Mother Shipton. Then we are told the strange life-story of American seer- Edward Cayce- a man who never went beyond Grammar School but still came out with astonishingly accurate ‘visions’ and ‘predictions’ about people’s health, lives and important historical events, the voluminous records of which fill up an entire library!

Cayce was born in 1877 in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. His extra-sensory perceptive powers came to light when he diagnosed and treated his own resistant laryngitis. He would go into a self-induced deep sleep-like trance and would describe the ‘unseen’ in vivid accurate details. Cayce’s important visions were about the two World Wars, the great American depression, sighting of Atlantis and earth’s polar shift!

‘Other Nostradamus’ is an intriguing and interesting documentary depicting the life and times of perhaps the greatest psychic of twentieth century.


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