Yes Minister (1980) Yes Minister hits the nail on the head by giving us a rare insight into the utterly frustrating bureaucratic red-tapism in a nation’s highest administrative machinery.... |
Guess Who is Coming To Dinner (1967) Director Stanley Kramer’s 1967-film Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner explored socio-cultural divide through a touching and heartwarming tale.... |
To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the finest films made on the issue of racism and one of the most realistic. Watching this two hour- plus 1962- movie, is like reading an engrossing novel and it is no surprise since it is indeed based on Harper Leeâ�... |
A Fistful Of Dollars (1964) A Fistful of dollars 1964- movie not only breathed a new life into the dying genre of Westerns but it also went on to create a new sub-genre called Spaghetti Westerns. It also turned Clint Eastwood’s fledgling career on its head and made this ... |
Rebecca (1940) Rebecca starts as a story of a young orphan girl (Joan Fontaine) working as a companion for a rich old lady. While vacationing in Monte Carlo, the simple girl gets swept off her feet by an unexpected marriage proposal from a wealthy and handsome wido... |
Dr. Strangelove (1964) Stanley Kubrick’s 1964- masterpiece Dr.Straagelove shares quite a few similarities with Charlie Chaplin’s 1939- classic Great Dictator. Both films were not only fine comedies but under that comic garb they highlighted the burning sociop... |
All About Eve (1950) All About Eve is a film that takes us deep into the outwardly glittering and glamorous but inwardly dark and dangerous world of showbiz through an engrossing story about an aging stage-diva challenged by a young contender willing to go to any lengths... |
The Untouchables (1987) The Untouchables is a typical Good V/s Evil, law V/s gangster tale but what makes it special is its classy presentation as a period drama. Visually it’s a rich film portraying the US prohibition era of the 1930s through authentic sets and cost... |
All Quiet On The Western Front (1930) Watching a thought-provoking film like All Quiet On The Western Front is a cathartic experience- for it questions the validity and necessity of some of the basic core concepts like nationalism and patriotism. This 75-year old film graphically portray... |
Enter The Dragon (1973) Enter The Dragon. The title couldn’t have been more prophetic for it was this movie’s success that really proved to be the entry point in Hollywood for many Hong Kong-based Chinese actors and moviemakers. Sadly the film’s main le... |
Dial M For Murder (1954) Often regarded as the best film-maker ever, Alfred Hitchcock had a strange fascination for making movies in confined spaces. If he did that successfully in films like Rope and Rear Window, then Dial M For Murder was also no exception. Taking a succes... |
It Happened One Night (1934) Is it really possible to make an all-time classic with a struggling movie-house; a lead couple of two grumpy stars on a loan from other studios; a supposedly flop-theme and a short shooting- span of 4 weeks? Yes, it is. That’s what happened wi... |
Rope (1948) 1948- film Rope is a perfect example of director Alfred Hitchcock’s inventive, innovative movie-making. Drawing inspiration from a sensational, real-life murder-story in the 1920s (Leopold-Loeb murder case), this film explored the darker reces... |
Way Out West (1937) ‘Way out west’ is considered to be one of the best films of the Boys- (the fond sobriquet for the L-H team!). Like most other L-H movies, the plotline is thin but the situational gags are plenty and they form the backbone of the comedy. ... |
Come September (1961) Come September has provided enough ‘inspiration’ for Bollywood. To add to the historic details, it was the first movie to be shown in the trans-continental flights.... |
Shawshank Redemption (1994) Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. The tag-line on the poster of Shawshank Redemption conveys the essence of the film just perfectly. Bereft of any commercially viable clichéd formulae, if this film has gone on to become one of the... |
My Fair Lady (1964) Behind-the-scenes drama preceded the on-screen drama when Warner Brothers decided to go for the movie- adaptation of Alan Jay Lerners musical My Fair Lady which in turn was adapted from George Bernard Shaws play Pygmalion.... |
The Sound Of Music (1965) A delightful musical about the transformation of a carefree young girl who tries to be a nun but instead turns into a nanny... |
Pink Panther The best thing about watching the special edition Pink Panther DVD- series is that one gets to witness the total gradual evolution of Hollywoods one of the most famous comic characters ever.... |
Singin\\\' In The Rain (1952) Singin' In The Rain fully deserves its place as perhaps the most popular Hollywood musical ever.... |